Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Knocked The Stuffing Out

Knocked the stuffing right out of me, it has.

Came down with this flu bug a little over a week ago. Every day got a little worse and a little worse. Until Saturday when I thought I was going to die. And then, even though after that each day seemed to get a little better, I still can't seem to get all the way better. I'm exhausted, all I really want to do is sleep. Not work. Not blog. Certainly not make any trips to the hospital to visit Mom. Just sleep. So needless to say it's been a week of not a hell of a lot.

But I'm kind of wondering if its more than just still being sick. Like I said, I lack the motivation to do anything. And although I know that at least part of it is physical, I am wondering if some portion of it is mental. It's been a month since Mom first went in the hospital. A month of ups and downs. Where she seems to be doing well for a while, only to start to slip and fade and seem really sick. And with the sickness, comes the increased confusion. Then she seems to get better again. And then the cycle starts over again. The one thing that is constant is how much she seems to need me. Not just wants me there, but needs me. And for whatever reason, I am finding that daily visits (with the exception of the one day a week I am away working in the city or when I have been really sick) are really starting to wear me down.

Hmm, I had put off posting this post because I didn't want the blog to turn into a whine and cheese party. Looks like it may be a little too late, doesn't it? But when no real inspiration was coming to me to blog something, anything else, I thought it might be best just to pop the cork. And share.

So now you know. Here's to better days ahead.


Punkys Dilemma said...

{{{{{{{ Michelle }}}}}}}}}}
I wish you could get away for just an hour or two. With a good friend. Go to a little cafe....have some coffee or tea. And all the whine and cheese you need....with a very close girlfriend. That might be the ticket you need to give you a chance to e x h a l e .....
Take care girlfriend. Keeping you in my thoughts hoping today is a better day for you.

Michelle Morgan-Coole said...

Something a little bit stronger than coffee or tea might be in order, me thinks. Thanks, Punky.

Punkys Dilemma said...

Ahh yes...(was it?) Russian Kahlua? No, that doesn't sound right. Anyway....Some kind of Kahlua...comin' right up my friend! :)

Punkys Dilemma said...

Oops...forgot to say.....

Stay strong my friend..and get well.
This too shall pass....

Anonymous said...

hey MMC.......I feel your pain, I really do.

Sorry I can't be there for you. I'm not coming home this weekend..the stress of the real world has finally got me.

I think I'll be down for the day on the 3rd......we'll try to hook up then.

love ya!
